The Unified Justice Initiative (UJI) is a new organisation whose principles centre around the perspective that all oppression is connected. We aim to provide interfaces for people who want to donate to multiple causes, whilst at the same time responding to the critical needs of groups/NGOs who work to support humans and non­humans who are subject to oppression. The groups/NGOs are who we refer to as potential “partners”. Our vision of UJI was created as a response to various socio­-political factors and a need to support groups/NGOs:

We might be in a unique period of history where multiple crises intersect and connect, intensifying oppression, increasing displacement, dispossession and violence. It’s
becoming impossible to work for only a single cause amidst this unprecedented polycrisis, so because of this at UJI we aim to situate ourselves within these intersections to provide ways for people to help with multiple causes
at once. UJI aims to facilitate this, and work with groups and NGOs to fulfil their needs.

Funding and resource needs:
The polycrisis has caused a polyproblem, soaring inflation, geopolitical tensions,
emboldened nationalism amongst other things has led to (form our observations) an increased need for funding and resources for
groups and NGOs. UJI’s main purpose is to respond to this. We’re starting off with various co-dependent projects in order to achieve this.

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